Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I'm feeling rather pissy. I just got a notice that they are stopping Everyday Food and turning it into a quarterly supplement for regular Martha Stewart Living. The monthly magazine was perfect for my kids-learning-to-cook project and MSL sure as hell won't be (talk about fussy....).

So, is there a similar monthly magazine that anyone can point me to? The recipes need to a) have a photo b) be relatively simple in the cooking technique department and c) be pretty short d) not be too adventurous in the flavor department (tasty, but not edgy or spicy).

I know there are plenty of kid-friendly cookbooks out there, but the novelty of the subscription arriving was really part of the appeal to the kids and I liked that, unlike web sites with recipes (which I actually prefer over cookbooks these days), the kids could spend time looking over the offerings and making a choice. They wouldn't have the patience to do that online.



  1. Oh, this is so sad! I wanted to try this with my kids (I even bought a newstand copy of the November issue). Why?! I never make the Martha recipes.

  2. I am so bummed about the demise of Everyday Food. It was one of my favorite magazines. I just started getting "Eating Well" which might work for your cherubs. It's got more stories along with the recipes, but it is pretty good and the recipes are solid. Plus, they have great photos.
